Sunday, August 28, 2011

Small World

I was getting my hair done yesterday and my hair stylist told me that an old coworker of mine when I used to work at the hair salon in high school and college just went through IVF with Schoolcraft as well.  The girl is a year older than me.  When I got home I messaged her on FB and told her that Camie told me she was pregnant, then I told her a little bit about what I was going through.  It's always hard to know how open someone is willing to be about their infertility because it is still such a taboo subject in society, so I thought by telling her about me it might open the door up or she could choose not to respond.  She wrote back pretty quickly and said that she went through IVF with Dr. Schoolcraft a few months ago.  She also hyperstimulated and had to do a freeze all (hmm, pattern?)  She got 27 eggs and 5 of them made it to blast, which was upsetting to her as well.  She implant two embryos - well they both took and one of them split, so she has triplets.  Her split embryo was momo meaning they shared a sack and it was going to be very dangerous for her and the babies to continue with the pregnancy, so she did a reduction down to one.  She's now 8 weeks along with one healthy baby.  Gosh, I can't imagine being in that situation, that would be such a hard decision to make, and I really feel for her.  Anyway, it was nice to find someone going through the same crap that I am, it often feels so lonely.  I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but at the same time, it's nice to know I'm not alone, there are other people my age dealing with infertility, it's just such a quiet subject.  It makes me want to go up and shout it off the mountain tops and see how many others come out of the woodwork. 

In other news, I'm now a week late, still not pregnant, so I will follow up with CCRM tomorrow and see what's going on.  Busy week at work coming up - golf tournament for work that I'm volunteering at tomorrow; meanwhile I have a lot of deadlines at work and just not enough hours in the day.  Throw in acupuncture, unpredictable body, and it should be an eventful week. 

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