Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Where has the time gone?

Holy cow, my sweet baby boy is almost 11 months old!  I was looking back at my last blog post and it feels like it has been such a long time since then.  He changes absolutely every day. 

Things he is doing now at almost 11 months is pulling up on EVERYTHING, walking around furniture.  Bending down to pick up toys and standing back up again.  He still rarely crawls the way you picture crawling.  He does this swimming frog crawl on his belly, and boy does he fly!  He does NOT sit still for a second anymore.  He is also going up the stairs now, but doesn't do it very well.  He always looks back to see if you're there and then falls back into your arms.  You cannot take your eyes off of him for a SECOND!  We put him in his walker a lot because then he can't get into things or go up the stairs. 

He has the absolute best personality, I couldn't love him any more.  He loves to play games and he laughs all the time.  He is sick today so he has been a little fussy, but he's usually very good natured (though demanding at times).  He loves watching Baby Einsteins and thinks out tablet is "his".  Sleeping through the night lasted several weeks when he was 7 months and hasn't happened again.  He went through a horrible sleep time at 9 months (right about the time we moved in with mom and dad - see below).  I think it was a wonder week plus moving to a new house.  It was horrible.  He's back to mostly just once a night, except last night he was so stuffy he couldn't sleep well, so he was up several times just crying, he didn't know why he didn't feel good, poor baby.  I think he's also cutting two molars, so I think he's sick plus teething molars = poor baby. 

Our house ended up going back under contract the first weekend we were back on the market and we got full asking price.  We moved in with mom and dad at the end of February and we are still living there.  We will close on our new house on June 13.  We are having a good time at mom and dad's and they spoil Jacob like crazy, but we are also very excited to have a house again.  I know I will miss all the help with Jacob and I will really miss my 2 minute commute (which will turn into 20+ minutes), but it feels like we've been there for longer than two months. 

Here's a pic of the house where it is right now:
Lots more going on, but that's all I have time for right now.  Will try to update sooner than 4 months :)

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