Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jacob is 7 months old!

Two days ago Jacob turned 7 months old!  Time is really moving fast, I cannot believe my tiny baby boy is already 7 months old. 

Jacob is eating new foods every few days as we build up his food repertoir.  He is eating carrots, prunes, apples, peaches, bananas, butternut squash, peas, and sweet potatoes.  He has had plain yogurt a few times too, and of course baby oatmeal.  He is really eating a lot lately, about 4 ice cubes 3x a day plus 6 ounce bottles of milk every 2 to 3 hours.  The good news is that as a result of all of this food he is sleeping through the night most nights!  He will on occasion wake up in the middle of the night, but more often than not it's because he's filled his diaper and is leaking.  We have gone to overnight diapers one size up and that has helped a lot.  I'm sure it won't last forever and he'll be up soon again, but it is a great blessing right now! 

Jacob is sitting up pretty well on his own, but we still don't plop him down and walk away because he doesn't last too long and usually tumbles over after a few minutes!  He rolls all over the place, and spins too.  Last night he started crying about two hours after we put him in bed and I looked on the baby monitor and he was crying and spinning in circles over and over.  I have heard babies practice what they learn during the day in their sleep so you will often see a baby learning to crawl up on his hands and knees, but this was a first for me!  I was able to go up and give him his paci and pat his back and he eventually fell back asleep.  So even though he's not officially mobile yet, he definitely can work his way to where he wants to go!  Usually it's towards something we don't want him to have, like the fireplace hole in the floor (where you turn on the pilot light I think) or towards a dog or phone :)  What a stinker. 

He is also cutting at least two more teeth which will bring him to 7 teeth total.  The 6th has broken through and the 7th is about to.  He gets a little fussy when he's teething, but not outrageously so.  I really think the amber necklace has worked wonders.  I know Brian still says he doesn't really believe in it, but he puts it on him every day and around his ankle every night, so I think he believes more than he lets on :)  It has helped us not have to give tylenol or other numbing meds, so finger's crossed that continues on.

He is so funny with his actions lately.  He likes to roll onto his side and life his arm and leg up in the air, like a yoga move.  When he lays on his back he loves to vigorously shake his head side to side and usually gets his whole body in on the action, it cracks me up!  He also likes to shreak really loudly which scares our dogs because they don't like high pitch noises!  His favorite toy is still his jumper where he can get out a lot of energy, but he is also liking more interactive toys like some vtech toys that he got for Christmas. 

New Year's this year was nothing very exciting.  Brian worked 9-9, so we weren't planning on doing anything anyway.  The contract on our house unfortunately fell through on New Year's Eve also.  The buyers insisted on a new roof from the inspection even though we had a letter from our insurance company and a 3rd party roofer that our roof was in sound condition.  We are very frustrated to get back to square one and have showings again, but we hope the next buyers will be easier to work with than these people had been.  We had a showing New Year's Eve from some couple who called on our house last week when we were under contract.  My realtor called them back and they came and took a tour.  I guess they really liked the house, so now we're waiting to see if they make an offer.  The good news is they didn't have a realtor so if my realtor makes the sale he can cut down some of his fees so we can make a little more profit on the house.  At this point I don't care, I just want to get it sold.  I am nervous we will lose our new house as a result if we don't get our house sold in the next 60 days, and that is crushing.  We are so excited about this house, I just have to pray that God knows a lot more than I do about what's best for us, and it will definitely work out. 

In other house news, they broke ground at our new house!  I got the email the day after we went back up on the market, so it was kind of bittersweet.  We go next Friday to pick out all of our finishes in the new house and I REALLY hope we have a contract by then so I can enjoy the process more.  I haven't told my contact at Richmond yet about our house going back up on the market, I'm hoping to keep it on the DL until we are under contract again so she doesn't make us sign the addendum to penalize us more if it falls through (to break our contract when we're under contract is a $250 penalty - to break our contract if we are just for sale is a $1500 penalty - yikes!)

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