Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Guitar lady comes to visit

I have to share this picture from Jacob's daycare that I got yesterday.  His daycare started sending us pictures during the day recently and I love getting to see him having fun.  Makes the part in the morning when I leave him crying much better because I know that he loves it the minute I am gone. 

The caption said: Jacob loved having the Guitar Lady come in, play her guitar and act with her turtle puppet. He was showing her his dance moves and head bobbing. It was priceless! :)

This made me laugh because when I saw the picture of him up front and center (in the green shirt and shorts - birthday gift from his Aunt Sommer and Uncle John) I was thinking that I bet he loved it.  He loves music so much.  We have a bluetooth speaker we bought recently for our kitchen and when we make dinner every night we play toddler pandora music on it and he just loves to dance.  He wiggles his hips and bobs his head - no matter the day I've had, seeing him do that makes my day.  So I can only imagine what real live music sounded like for him!  The teacher told Brian when he picked her up that a lot of the other kids were scared of her and Jacob just LOVED her. 

He also loves recess at school.  I had to pick him up early on Friday for his 15 month check-up and they were out at recess.  It was like 100 degrees and roasting.  Most of the other kids were sitting under the shade, but Jacob was staning at the fence (wrought iron, so see-through) watching the older kids at their recess - I think he was jealous because they have more fun things to do since they're bigger! 

His 15 month check-up went well.  24.5 pounds (50%), his head and height are 75%, so he's taller than wide.  He passed everything well except we are going to have a speech therapist come work with him at least once (paid for by the state of Colorado so kids don't fall behind) to try to help his vocabulary a bit.  He still isn't talking much but I hear him trying new words almost every day, so I'm not too worried about it, I think he was just so focused on gross motor development that he fell behind in fine motor and speech.  But, it's free and absolutely can't hurt him, so might as well get a few tips and tricks to help him continue to thrive. 

One more funny story about daycare.  He always hates dropoff in the morning and cries every day.  Today there were 3 girls already there for some reason and when we got there he didn't even cry when I left.  Brian said he's got to be manly in front of the ladies - LOL! 

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