Tuesday, April 24, 2012


For the first time on this journey, I feel like I can see the finish line in the distance! 

I had my 34 week checkup yesterday afternoon.  Mom and Brian's mom came along since they were doing an ultrasound as well.  Everything looked great except that I've lost 4 pounds.  That made me really concerned for the baby because you should not be losing weight at this stage of the pregnancy.  The doctor herself rechecked my weight and indeed I have lost weight.  I am back to my 28 week weight and have only gained a total of 13 pounds now.  While I was at my OB they measured my uterus which was measuring on track and baby's heartbeat was 125, so he was doing well.  I was still nervous so was really happy to be going across the hall to my high risk doctor for an ultrasound.  The nurse doing the scan said "well this baby has no idea you've lost weight!"  He is 5.5 pounds already and seemed as happy as a clam in there.  It was really reassuring.  I do find myself getting more paranoid now that the end seems to near, like anything could just snatch this dream away from me at any time.  When she started the scan she was looking at the baby's head and I thought it was the torso - of course there was no heart beating since it was his head and I almost had a panic attack!  Thankfully all was well and baby is measuring a little bit ahead.  Gosh, at this rate already having a 5.5 pound baby I could deliver a 12 pound baby!!

Due to the weight loss, they are going to do another ultrasound in two weeks at my high risk doctor just to double check, even though baby seems fabulous right now.  They will also switch me from Lovenox to Heparin at that time.  The new news from yesterday is that while my regular OB originally said I could go naturally into labor and wait until the Monday following my due date for an induction (I'm due on a Thursday), the high risk doc yesterday said they want me induced between 39-40 weeks not to exceed my due date due to the heparin.  So it's looking like I will be induced the week of my due date (I don't want to go too early so trying to push it close to my due date).  My nephew is being delivered on the 6th, the day before, so in order to TRY to let those boys have their own birthdays I will probably do Tuesday for the induction (going in on Monday night) since Mondays in the hospital are insane, that is really the only day that will work.  Of course I still have to clear it with my primary OB's schedule, and we'll work with her, but that is what we're thinking would be best at this time.  Here's hoping if I do get induced that I have a better deliver than my sister's 36 hour induction with Owen!!

I had my baby shower on Saturday last weekend and it was SO great.  I have of course been dreaming of having a baby shower for my whole life, and even more so since we started trying to have a baby.  It was really great and I had a blast.  Baby boy got spoiled rotton, lots of really generous gifts.  Some mentionables are his stroller/carseat, pack and play, jumperoo, play gym, bouncer, boppy, cute clothes, and so much more.  Brian's family is very handy, and we got a homemade quilt for the bab and a fleece blanket, both from Barb, a crocheted hat from Brian's Grandma Juanita, and a knitted sweater from Brian's Nana Beverly.  This is going to be one loved baby.  We had about 28 people there and a lovely brunch was served.  Both sides of the family pitched in and it was really lovely. 

Brian got the nursery painted this weekend, an aqua/sky blue with navy blue curtains.  He is steam cleaning the carpets today, and then we will pick up all the furniture in a few weeks.  That will feel so good to get it all set up and ready for baby.  Heck since baby's already measuring at 5.5 pounds they said he could come at anytime and be healthy, which is the best thing to hear :)