Wow, I have been a BAD blog poster the past 8 weeks! Holy cow. I am happy to say that I have entered the third trimester of this pregnancy and it feels so great to be at this point. I am getting so excited to meet my baby boy, and even though there is 12 weeks left, it at least feels attainable now. It has been a LONG 7 months!
I went in yesterday for my big 28 week appointment. I started with my gestational diabetes (GD) test where I had to drink many ounces of a very very sweet drink. I chose orange flavor and I regretted that decision. I had to do a similar test before IVF and I chose lemon-lime that time and at least looking back at it, it seemed more bearable. So I chugged that down and then had to wait an hour making sure not to have anything to eat or drink. During that hour I went next door to Obstetrix for my 28 week ultrasound growth check of baby.
I love, love, love seeing my baby on ultrasounds. He is so darn cute! He has gotten so much bigger since our last ultrasound, really filled out. His cheeks were like chubby racoon cheeks! They were trying to take a 3D picture of his face and he was squishing his face up against my uterus so his nose was all squished, so funny. The rest of the time he had his arms and hands up covering his face, he already hates his picture being taken :)
His growth is great, right on track. His head is measuring a week and a half ahead, which means again, big head! As the nurse said to me, "that's why you get an epidural"...gee, thanks! Another growth scan in 6 weeks at 34 weeks and then if he's still on track that will be my last ultrasound.
After the ultrasound I went back over to my primary doc and got my blood drawn for the GD test (I passed, woohoo!) and had my rhogam shot. The shot is since I have O- blood and Brian is A+ since I am negative I have to get that shot to give me antibodies in case the baby has positive blood like Brian. Once the baby is born they will check his blood and I will get a second shot at that time if he indeed has positive blood. Apparently it used to be super dangerous, but now that they know about it it's not a big deal. They checked my weight - at this point I have only gained 11 pounds (may be off by a pound or two since I had to fast for the GD test) which is incredible because with how much I've been eating even if I wasn't pregnant I probably would have gained 10-15 pounds!! I will enjoy it while it lasts because my nights of eating vanilla ice cream with crunchy peanut butter will soon come to an end!
I am really trying to enjoy each phase of this pregnancy, but I am so darn anxious to meet him it's hard to not just wish it was June already! This may be the only time I get to be pregnant, so I need to slow down and enjoy this process. My sister along with Brian's sisters are planning a baby shower for me on April 21st, so that will be fun to see my friends and get some fun stuff for baby. We need to get his nursery painted and start getting ready. My nurse yesterday was asking me if the nursery is all ready and I'm like "umm, haven't even started!" Whoops. There is still a long time left, but it would be nice to at least get it painted and get the carpets cleaned before I get too big and helpless.
I start going to my doctor every two weeks now, so back for a quick check-up at the end of March. Meanwhile baby is kicking me up a storm while I type this, I think he knows I'm talking about him :)