I promised an update on Jacob and now I can do it! Emotionally I'm feeling a lot more back to normal and this crazy child of mine lights up my life every day.
Jacob after getting a haircut. July 2013 |
Jacob is 15 months, it's insane to think that my teeny tiny newborn is now running all over the house getting into EVERYTHING. I mean everything. You put a room full of safe toys and there is ONE thing he shouldn't play with and you better believe he finds that one thing, ha! He loves going up to the receiver on the TV and hitting all the buttons. The best part is that he knows he shouldn't. He will go right up and look at you and then pointedly (is that a word?) push it. He also loves banging on the glass fireplace, getting into the trash, and trying to pull out our glass lids and Le Cruset pots. We have a gate to keep him in the kitchen, nook, and family room, but if the gate is left ajar he spots it like an eagle and bolts! He runs right to the stairs which is also something he knows he's not supposed to do. If he thinks he has more time before he gets caught he'll stop to play in the dog's water. His newest thing he just started doing was chewing on the corners of our cabinets where there is a little rubber stopper to keep the door from slamming. What - a - stinker!! He love playing outside. He will run down our driveway, try to eat rocks, and run down the sidewalk yelling the whole way (he loves making noise too). He takes years off my life with worrying about him and yet he fills my heart with SO MUCH joy it's incomprehensible most day.

We love our new house and I think Jacob does too. Our neighbors are all so great and most of them have younger kids. The family across the street has a 5 year old and a 2 year old and Jacob loves the 5 year old girl. She will come run with him on the driveway and he gives her such big hugs. Brian said he likes older women already :)
He loves Gracie and loves throwing her his food when he's done eating. His favorite food right now is yogurt, he could eat it all day every day and be happy. He also loves pancakes, meat, and cheese. He has yet to eat any steamed veggies but he will eat veggies out of pouches. He also likes sitting on our lap and eating what we're eating (but heaven forbid we put our food on his tray, he wants to eat it off our fork) :)

Here are a few pictures of Jacob that make me smile (I have a million of them, so tried to just pick a few to show his personality and pretty hair). The one of him standing on the box cracks me up because I forgot to mention that is his new favorite thing. He loves climbing and dangerous boxes that could collapse at any moment are his absolute favorite! I have brought up an upside down laundry basket that is way more sturdy and he still picks the stupid box time after time. So funny.
I hope you can tell through the computer I am sarcastic and we talk about our crazy baby all the time but we couldn't love him any more if we tried. In fact I have to run because I have to go get him from daycare and take him to his 15 month wellcare check at the ped. I think we're getting the last of the series of shots and I heard a rumor shots go down from here, so just have to get through today. I'm excited to see how much he weighs and how he's doing for his age with development as well. I'll try to post an update soon.
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