6 months old! |
Jacob is 6 months old! We just got done with his 6 month appointment, and he is doing great! His weight is 18 lbs 2 ounces, 60%, his height is 27.75 inches, 80%, and his head is 17.25 inches, 50%. He is surpassing all milestones except for getting up on all fours in a crawling position. Today we saw Dr. Lisa for his appointment. She was very good and talked to Jacob in a baby voice. He has really liked all of the doctors we have seen at this practice so far, they are great with kids (I guess that's why they're pediatricians!) They have advised us to - gasp - turn off the video monitor so we don't hear every time he wakes up unless he really screams. I am not quite ready for that, so maybe we'll just turn the volume down a little bit... :) Jacob is still waking up twice a night and she said it is completely habitual right now, he doesn't need the nourishment. I do love my bonding with him during the night, but I am also constantly tired. We'll see. She also advised it's time to ramp up the solids, so we will start giving him two meals a day and some little cheerios or puffs to get used to putting solid things into his own mouth.
He loves putting his feet in his mouth! |
Poor nugget has been cranky lately. He has had an upset tummy, constantly pushing, and much more poopey diapers. Today while getting him dressed after his appointment I noticed another tooth was just breaking through on top right, next to middle tooth. The middle tooth on top right (I guess his top left) is really swollen, so we'll see, but that could be why he's been extra fussy lately. I have gone down to nursing just morning and night now. We have had so many changes at work, it has been very busy and I was having a hard time squeezing pumping into my busy day. My original goal was to nurse for 3 months, then 6 months, so I made it 50% to 6 months and now I'll see if I can go another month or so doing morning and night, which the doctor said gives him all the great nutrients and benefits of nursing full time.
5 months old! |
I never posted his 5 month picture, so I will attach that as well as other pictures from the last month as well. I think from 5 to 6 months he's actually slimmed down a bit, probably from being so active!
Sitting in the Bumbo
at Grandma's house |
In other news, our house is on the market! We listed it for sale on November 21, so about two weeks ago. We have had a lot of showings, but still waiting on an offer. Needless to say it has been a very stressful two weeks keeping a house spotless with a baby and 3 dogs (and making it look like a baby and 3 dogs don't live there!) Hopefully my next post will have good news on that front.
All mommy wants for
Christmas is a Silent Night!
Here is the first Christmas onesie picture. We hope to go with John and Sommer to take the kids to see Santa at some point this month for the photo-op! I took this picture at the crack of dawn this weekend when I was up with him exhausted. That smile makes it all worth while though :)
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